A woman smiling and looking up at sunset. Inner peace

“I appreciated my work with Lynette. I had not expected to have such a deep level of trust to be established as quickly. I learned so much. Tuning into myself and remembering certain events and working through them was at times painful, yet it was liberating. I am happy I went with my gut feeling to try out Lynette’s services. I was supported in a great way. Although the inner work is not complete, I feel calmer, have more inner peace, and know that I can navigate what is ahead.”

Lynette Chartier

Lynette Chartier

Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.

Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit https://transformationstartswithin.com/acknowledgements-references/ to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.