Are you feeling time is passing by quickly, and the weight of a pending decision is growing heavier each day?
For those of us who are doers, it can feel unproductive and frustrating when we don’t know what to do next. I’ve learned that in such moments, it’s often best to pause and wait until clarity comes.
Not making a decision is a decision in itself, bringing its own consequences. Whether it’s decision fatigue, fear of making the wrong choice, or avoiding responsibility, all of these can be addressed with time and healing.
It’s crucial to give ourselves the time, space, and compassion needed to make the right decision.
Personally, when I haven’t given myself enough time to gain the required clarity, I’ve ended up enrolling in costly programs and courses that ultimately didn’t provide the outcomes I was seeking. It’s not that the programs themselves were inadequate, but rather that my decision to join them was made without the necessary reflection and understanding of what I truly needed. Those decisions became distractions and detours and not what was for my highest good.
In another instance, I rushed into making a major work-related decision without properly considering all of my needs. I essentially gave my power away to someone else, thinking they knew better for me than I did. Unfortunately, this led to increased stress and a loss of income. However, looking back, I gained a lot of personal awareness and experience during that time. It also allowed me to take care of other important life issues. Life still had my back, but it didn’t need to be so hard.
Action: Next time you face an important decision, take a moment to get quiet and look within. Often, unresolved past experiences or memories need acknowledgment and release.
We learn and grow from making decisions. Remember, making a challenging decision is often easier than letting worries and indecision drain our energy.
If you are looking for insights on how to make the right decision for You, I invite you to…
Click Here To Schedule Your Free Clarity Session
Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.
Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.