What is causing your energy to drain leaving you feeling overwhelmed, run down, perhaps even anxiety ridden and depressed?
Life has taught me that to achieve my desired results in health, work/career, spirituality, relationships, or in finances I must identify and manage my energy leaks. I must regularly take stock of my energy, to know where it is flowing, and deal with the backups and leaks. In other words, I must use it wisely.
I reached a point where I had to admit that misdirecting and misusing my energy quickly extinguished it. Spreading my energy in too many areas and ways left me feeling depleted, overwhelmed, stuck in my head, and spinning my wheels rather than feeling curious, engaged, and inspired with what I was doing. Striving for perfection never paid off. Who was I kidding? That joke was on me. Nowadays, I value, nurture, and use my energy intentionally and it appears to magically re-generate itself with much greater ease.
Energy leaks show up in multiple ways, some more harmful than others, yet they all take a toll. Just because you can’t see an energy leak it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Some run deep and silent just like submarines until they surface with force, and you wonder what the hell just happened?!?
Whether your energy drains from a toxic relationship, not being able to speak up for yourself, working too many hours, not having enough rest, meeting everyone else’s needs but your own, being consumed with self-doubt and scary self-talk, buying into other people opinions, escaping the real issue with outings, a little too much online browsing and shopping, or another way, these energy leaks stop you from being grounded, confident, and capable of achieving what you yearn for. Energy leaks create a shaky foundation on which to build your life.
Below are a few questions that will help you identify some potential energy Leaks
Do you continuously criticize yourself for not being further along on your way to your destiny? Do you fear not being good enough, being judged, or being humiliated?
Are you betraying yourself with outdated beliefs and ways of being, or sticking with familial, cultural or religious “rules” and expectations because you fear the consequences of speaking up and stepping out of line? Are you saying Yes when you want and need to say No? Do you lack healthy boundaries?
Are resentments simmering inside of you or is a block of suppressed emotion weighing you down because you are simply worried about feeling the painful feelings? Do you believe that if you open the “can of worms” your world will come crashing down, yet that so called “something” is always there?
Do you engage in conversations and behaviour patterns that rehash the same issues without moving forward, leaving you feeling like nothing ever changes?
Do you lack emotional, spiritual, or physical support? Do you always meet everyone else’s needs but don’t believe you have a right to your own? Do you think you must do it all yourself to avoid being seen as weak or incompetent or needy? Are you going without adequate rest, play, and time for yourself?
Which of your buttons are being pushed right now? If you feel any resistance, take time to sit with it and tune into yourself. This isn’t about blaming or belittling yourself. Know that you are already enough! You are worthy of receiving support! The world needs your contribution and what you yearn for yearns to be expressed through you.
Recognizing and admitting your energy leaks to yourself is the first step to changing your life’s circumstances. Identifying and managing energy leaks isn’t meant to be comfortable, which is why you haven’t plugged the holes previously. Yet, don’t despair! Recognizing and acknowledging the issue is half the battle. Hundreds and thousands of other women have experienced similar energy leaks and if they stopped them, You CAN DO IT.
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Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.
Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit https://transformationstartswithin.com/acknowledgements-references/ to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.