Dreams and possibilities with the start of a new dayDo you take the time to sit with your longings, to embrace your dreams and possibilities? Do you imagine what the realization of these would feel like, look like, sound like? Do you take steps to nourish your dreams and possibilities?

Sadly, many (and I have been guilty of this, so I get it) spend most of their creative time and efforts working towards making someone else’s goal a reality while disregarding their own. That might be necessary or desirable for a while; however eventually it is important to return to one’s own desired dreams and to embrace your own possibilities. Otherwise, we end up betraying our soul, which is a huge price to pay! I invite you to really sit with this point. Have you let go of your desired outcome or priority goal in order to please another, to keep peace for some other reason?

On the other hand, maybe you have given up. Perhaps you are thinking that things haven’t worked out in the past, that you have made too many mistakes or have had painful falls. Is your inner critic whispering: “What is the use?  You don’t want to get burned like that again.”  I get it. My own mind replays that old tape every once in a while, especially at each next level of the journey.

However, I bet that if you looked back, hindsight would let you find the silver lining in the fall.  I certainly have. Each hardship or fall on my way to manifesting my dreams was actually the next gateway of growth and expansion on my journey.  I am not denying the pain of the fall or its cost; after all falls in whatever shape or form usually do cost us, which is why they wake us up.

Nourish Your Dreams

I find the early summer mornings and the warm sunlit evenings (even the rainy nights) – in other words first thing when I awake, and last thing before bed, are the perfect times to let myself imagine new possibilities; to nourish the vision of the future I want to create.

Reality is that dreaming about our deepest desires although not enough is a crucial step – we do need to let ourselves feel these desires. To learn more about the science behind this, check out Dr Joe Dispenza and his body of research and work in this area.

Next, we need to turn and tune within to learn of the inspired action we should take. You might be thinking: What the heck is inspired action? Well – for me it is the nudge I feel towards taking the next step in front of me – the one that feels like the right thing to do, although not necessarily feeling comfortable to do. I for one, need to regularly remind myself it is not the action directed by my linear logical overthinking mind – that part has another role to play. The inspired action comes from my heart, from the core of my being.

Look back for a moment – I am certain in the past you dreamt things and once they manifested, with time you forgot that at one point they were just a dream, that at first you didn’t know how they were going to unfold in reality and yet they did. It’s normal to forget after all we are off and on to the next thing.  For you, was it that job you got, that new living space you are now occupying, the beautiful garden you cultivated, the amazing trip you enjoyed so much?  What was first just a dream and now you have it in your physical reality?

Manifest Desired Outcomes: The Journey to Reality

Sometimes we are so busy wanting the next thing that we forget all that life has already delivered that we asked for. Have you taken the time to acknowledge all you have achieved? Are you compassionate towards yourself? And let’s not forget about being grateful!

Just maybe we have forgotten just how many things we have put into that basket of desires – lol.

Although I hate to admit it, I have caught myself more than once realizing that I have been sending out mixed messages – I want the thing – then after thinking of all that could go wrong or all that I may need to face or do – I think maybe it is not really possible. My mind is being the yoyo, doing the back-and-forth dance. It is a little bit like going to the restaurant placing an order and then changing your mind several times. The kitchen staff would be confused and eventually just wait till you knew what you wanted. My experience is that life is the same.  If you fell this might be You will want to get really clear and then focus on the main one or two outcomes that feel so important?

This next part is really tricky. Sometimes we are so busy focusing on the outcome that we ignore (because the truth is that it might feel scary) that there might be experiences or things that have to play out in order for us to first grow into the person we need to become to live that outcome. For example: we might need to do some letting go, whether of people, places or things; we might need to step out of our comfort zone in a bigger way and be a beginner at something and feel incompetent for a while, we might need to deal with the naysayers and learn to ignore their comments and attitudes. Not easy stuff – that is why we haven’t done it already.

We sometimes need to be reminded that the steps required to embrace our dreams and make the possibilities a reality are not ones we enjoy or are necessarily always good at. However having the courage to start and practice will in fact be the thing that gets us on the path to the desired results.

James Clear in his 3-2-1 Newsletter , of July 4, 2024 shared this related piece of wisdom:

When you choose the benefits of an action, you also choose the drawbacks. 

If you want to be an author, you can’t only choose the finished novel and book signings. You are also choosing months of lonely typing. If you want to be a bodybuilder, you can’t only choose the fit body and attention. You are also choosing the boring meals and calorie counting. 

You have to want the lifestyle, not just the outcomes. Otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense being jealous. The results of success are usually public and highly visible, but the process behind success is often private and hidden from view. It’s easy to want the public rewards, but also have to want the hidden costs.”

The Power of Believing in Your Dreams and Possibilities

 Believing in possibilities offers us hope. It provides motivation to take regular action and the side benefit is that we build and increase our self-esteem. Nourishing our dreams also allows life to reflect to us the needed inspiration through people, music, words, places, experiences, and so on. Life becomes a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Remember, you have the right to your goals, and aspirations. Embrace your dreams and possibilities. Contrary to what we may have been led to believe, it is not selfish. We are meant to grow our inner world and expand our capacities to experience. Embrace your unique gifts and talents!

Action: I invite you to take some time to simply sit with yourself and imagine the outcome you desire. You don’t have to share it with anyone. It’s actually probably best if you don’t until your dream has grown for a while.

If you are wanting to gain clarity on your dreams and possibilities, remember the next right step for you lies within you, and I’m here to help you uncover it. Let’s connect.

Click Here To Schedule Your Free Clarity Session

Lynette Chartier

Lynette Chartier

Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.

Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit https://transformationstartswithin.com/acknowledgements-references/ to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.