Hidden Patterns That Shape Your Life And Relationships
In Part 1, I begin to examine the complexities of control dynamics, exploring how fear of failure often drives perfectionism and the need for control. We often think of control as being big overt dominance, yet it generally hides in much smaller subtler ways. Controlling behaviors can manifest in various aspects of life, from career pursuits to relationships, and even in financial habits.
“Whether it’s in careers, relationships, or homemaking, control can manifest as an inclination to over-organizing, meticulous scheduling, excessive preparation, extended hours at the office, or even the development of a workaholic coping strategy—all in the pursuit of ensuring that every base is covered, and that no unexpected negative surprises come knocking at the door. After all, surprises have the power to trigger us and make us feel unsafe.
However, it’s important to recognize the high costs associated with this form of control. Exhaustion, fatigue, a sense of depletion, a lack of motivation and little joy are just some of the tolls it can exact on our well-being.”1
I invite you to check this article and see if you discover something new about yourself. Remember it is nothing to be ashamed of and You CAN heal this.
If you or someone you know is grappling with self-protective patterns and seeks guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I would be happy to serve you with a Complimentary 45 minute Clarity Call so that you can gain insight and get unstuck.
Article Reference
Unmasking Control – Hidden Patterns That Shape Your Life And Relationships – Part 1. Chartier, Lynette, 2023https://www.brainzmagazine.com/post/unmasking-control-hidden-patterns-that-shape-your-life-and-relationships-part-1
Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.
Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit https://transformationstartswithin.com/acknowledgements-references/ to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.