Freedom with birds flying and chain broken

 Will it be…

  • being liberated from what has kept you stuck and playing small?
  • having healthy boundaries in place so that your needs can be met?
  • feeling appreciated and visible, seen, and heard for who you are?
  • having emotional and physical support and resources so you can take bold steps towards your desires?
  • having time daily for self-care?
  • being free of your exhausting perfectionism, people-pleasing, workaholism or anxiety?
  • having more FUN?
  • being free of your obsessive, over thinking, spinning mind?
  • finally feeling like You are Enough?
  • feeling worthy and deserving of the goodness life has to offer?

Freedom means different things depending upon the stage of life we find ourselves in. People seek freedom in one of two ways. You are either moving towards it with clarity and taking intentional inspired actions to arrive at your desired outcome – OR –  you seek to put distance between yourself and the painful area of your life. Which one is it for You?

In other words, if you fall into the latter category, you are running away from the issue that needs to be confronted, and not making meaningful sustainable strides to resolve it once and for all. You are not taking a hard look at what is going on underneath the surface. You seek the fastest way possible to get out of your discomfort and emotional pain – perhaps at times numbing yourself. If that is you, don’t judge yourself, you are part of the majority. And how do I know that? You’ve guessed it – that was me.

Moving away from the problem without addressing the root issue is a very short-term solution. It may be necessary for your immediate safety. However, in general, that response to what is not working will simply have you repeating the same behaviors and emotional patterns that haven’t work in the past. The problem will keep making its appearance that at best will be a nagging voice in your head that keeps you awake at night, and at its worse can bring you to a full-blown crisis. Moving away from the pain and discomfort of what is keeping you stuck is certainly not a strategy that will bring you long term freedom. To make matters worse, this lack of freedom is costing you big time – whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

Personally, since I have chosen to move towards my defined freedom, a more expansive and rewarding life has opened up for me… a life where I am at peace, on purpose while serving others, feeling satisfied and fulfilled, having time for self-care, building new relationships, being more emotionally present, finally having more fun and experiencing more contentment and joy. The payoff makes the uncomfortable journey more than worthwhile.

To have external freedom – defined here as the physical manifestations of your desires – you must first cultivate your internal freedom. I hate to be the one breaking the news to you, but you must do the internal work to arrive at your freedom. There is no way around it, over it or underneath it. The only way is through it – whatever that “IT” is for you.

Internal freedom comes when you are finally able to shed: limiting thoughts and beliefs, childhood scripts, and dogma, no matter who or what has imposed these on you. Freedom occurs when you can let go of your self-doubt, including fear of rejection and finding yourself alone (it is not forever).

Internal freedom requires that you acknowledge, work through, and let go of the internal obstacles. It does not mean you ignore and forget what has happened to you (for you) or diminish the impact of said events, beliefs and other. It means you agree to move through what has kept you from accessing and living a fuller, more enjoyable and peaceful life. You agree to see the capital “T” truth even if you don’t like it.  My attitude is “I want the truth. I don’t have to like it, but I want it”. Having the truth in my conscious awareness has saved me a multitude of times, in more ways than I can remember.  With time “T” truth increased my self-confidence, gave me a deeper understanding of my own internal operating system, gave me clarity and a much better understanding of this game called “Life”.

Attaining internal freedom can only occur when you develop and cultivate a meaningful relationship with yourself (yes, you have read that correctly). One needs to go within to raise one’s level of consciousness, to take the blinders off, acknowledge truths, experience breakthroughs, and to feel the long-suppressed feelings (you do not have to wallow in them). It takes time and effort. It does not require suffering, however, there are moments that are going to be rather uncomfortable/ momentarily even painful. What is the alternative? Have you not already spent enough time in discomfort or pain?  There will come a time when tuning within will feel rather enjoyable, as you gain self-knowledge, connect the dots and understand, at a whole new level, what has played out in your life

Regardless of the process you choose for achieving internal freedom, you will no doubt feel liberated as you let yourself be more of the real you. You will wonder how you could have lived with yourself all these years, not really knowing and being yourself.

You can start the process of moving towards your internal freedom slowly and on your own, or in a more intentional focused way with support. It’s up to you. Just how tired are you of being sick and tired of your circumstances?

Marianne Williamson: And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Get paper and pen. Start jotting down your greatest energy leaks – see if they come from a particular place, person, or thing.
  • Tune into a great podcast on the subject you are dealing with or pick out a great book – no shortage of information out there.
  • Think about who believes in your potential and will support you.
  • Stop complaining and blaming. Instead ask yourself: How can this situation help me grow and evolve? What could this situation possibly teach me? How would it feel to finally release it?
  • Create a vision for yourself of being, doing and having more of what makes your heart sing.

If you are ready to move towards your own freedom, I invite you to:

Click Here To Schedule Your Free Clarity Session

Lynette Chartier

Lynette Chartier

Lynette guides and supports smart hardworking women who, despite their efforts, feel trapped and unfulfilled, always striving but never quite achieving their desired changes. Her approach blends both analytical/logical (left brain) and creative/intuitive (right brain) perspectives and processes, allowing for tangible concrete results.

Drawing from over 16 years of dedicated spiritual exploration; learning from diverse programs, and achieving international accreditation in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Lynette offers a practical framework for empowerment. Visit to learn more within Acknowledgements and References.